
Originally Posted March 22, 2009

I would like to see the moral America I did not have the luxury of being raised in. I was born in 1983. Ever since I can remember, American families needed both parents working. Most of the kids I knew had step-parents, or 1 parent in the home. Very few of my friends’ parents were still married.
As I became a teenager, single moms started getting all the credit, while stay at home moms became obsolete. I started being consumed with having the
biggest, the hottest, the sexiest, the coolest, the most.
Somehow sex became un-taboo.. The more indecent, the hotter. Females became portrayed as sexual objects. Instead of being smarter, or cuter, or a better cook than other girls, we wanted to be sexier than other girls. Instead of barbies, and summer camp, and ballet, I was doing drugs and bumpin my head to rap poison.. Instead of learning to sew, I wanted to perfect the kama sutra.. There was so much pressure to be ‘the best whore he’ll ever have’..
Twenty six years later, I am a single mother of 3 children. People give me all types of respect. They give me all types of credit, and empathy. I’m like the new Mother Theresa of America . People mean well. They have the best of intentions.
However,  I am not someone anybody should be proud of. My children have so many obstacles to overcome due to my lack of regard. My children don’t have a father to answer to when they’re bad in school. My kids’ fathers don’t come to their baseball games. My kids’ fathers don’t come to their ‘winter’ concerts. My children run all over me because they don’t have a father to answer to. They know I’m overextended. They know I can only handle 10 things at a time. The other 20 things just get put on the back burner.. My kids aren’t exposed to the ‘traditional family’ they deserve.
I should get a medal for that? I feel terrible when good people pat me on the back. I feel terrible because I take money out of THEIR paychecks to feed my kids. How is it FAIR that my kids get FREE health and child care while they work overtime, or 2 jobs to provide that for THEIR family?
When I say I want America to change, what I mean is,  I want LESS girls ending up like me. I want the sex, and the drugs,  and the violence to be obscure,  not front and center. I want the kids on Nickelodeon and Disney to have married mothers and fathers,  NOT single mothers, and single fathers and brothers taking care of them.
When I say I want America to change, what I mean is, I want teachers smacking kids on the knuckles with rulers when they get lippy, NOT telling the parents to feed them amphetamines.
I want our kids to know who GOD is. I want our kids to know that a family NEEDS a mother and a father. Single mothers need to swallow their pride and apologize to their children. True, they don’t need a MAN to help them take care of their kids. They need a HUSBAND and a FATHER to help them take care of their kids.
Hillary Clinton said “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child”. She couldn’t have been more wrong. It takes a MOTHER and a FATHER to raise a child.
I can’t apologize enough to hard working Americans every Friday when they receive partial paychecks. More importantly, I can’t apologize enough to MY children.
For the first time in my adult lifetime, I would be proud of my country if family values somehow made a comeback… 

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